
      Welcome to my blog on K-2 Math Apps.  There are a lot of math apps out there, but what are the good math apps???  I researched them while developing a workshop for the Institute of Educational Development titled Practical Strategies for Using iPads and the Best New Apps, Websites and Technology Resources to Improve Student Achievement in Mathematics (Grades K-2).  I am a former classroom teacher but now I do trainings for teachers.  I have spent the last 10 years developing a deeper understanding of mathematics and how children learn math.  I believe that children need a conceptual understanding of mathematics first before we move them into procedures and practice.  The apps that I have chosen to post on this blog are a balance between both of those.  Some are conceptual, while some are just fun ways to practice.  However, I fully acknowledge that I may not have found all the wonderful math apps out there.  So please leave a comment, or email me, if you have an app that you think needs to be added to my lists.
     When I present this workshop I focus on the big ideas in K-2 mathematics and then show apps that can help teachers develop those concepts.  Those big ideas are listed above and there are pages for each of those concepts, along with what I call "teacher tool" apps that are just great apps for helping you be more efficient as a teacher.  I have also included pages on some math websites that I like.  I will be updating this blog whenever I find new apps, so make sure to "Join This Site" so that you can see when updates are posted.  Thanks for taking a look around, I hope you find the lists helpful.

Christina Tondevold